Helping you look as good as you feel

Intense Pulsed Light
Removes Sun & Age Spots -- Limelight treatments quickly and safely remove sun and age spot from the face, chest, arms and hands. Both isolated spots and skin covered with freckles respond well. Limelight treatments will only take a few minutes and fit easily into a lunch hour!
"We have all spent time in the sun we regret. In fact, sun exposure is the main culprit behind fine and deeper facial wrinkles, freckles, age spots (also known as sun or liver spots), leathery skin texture, dull-colored skin, and enlarged pores. But The MedSpa will remove the signs of sun damage and restore your youthful appearance!"
The LimeLight™ Difference
Our LimeLight™ treatments are quicker and more comfortable than traditional photofacial treatments. They even produce superior results in fewer sessions! We have invested in a pulsed light system that is exceptionally effective at treating pigment at a much more comfortable energy level than other providers.
How Does LimeLight™ Work?
The visible light delivered with LimeLight™ procedure is selectively absorbed by the pigmented spots on your skin. The heating of the pigmented cells causes the therapeutic result, effectively destroying the damaged cells.
Can All of My Spots Be Treated This Way?
Spots formed by sun exposure can effectively be treated with the LimeLight™ procedure. There are, however, other types of pigmented lesions such as birthmarks and moles. We will perform a quick yet thorough evaluation of your pigmented lesions during your complimentary consultation.
What Areas Can Be Treated?
Virtually any part of your body with sun (a.k.a. "age" or "liver") spots or freckles can be safely treated. The face, chest, hands, and arms are the most popular areas for treatment because they have typically had the most sun exposure. Both single, discrete spots and skin densely covered with freckles respond well to treatment.
What Do Treatments Feel Like?
When the hand piece is placed on your skin, it will feel cool and comfortable. When the pulse of light is delivered, you may feel a mild, brief pinching sensation.
What Are the Possible Side Effects?
Immediately following the treatment, the spots may start to darken. You may also notice a slight reddening of the surrounding skin. This redness typically subsides within a few minutes to a couple of hours. Over the course of the next one to three weeks, darkened spots will flake off as your skin naturally exfoliates. We will discuss all risks and benefits with you thoroughly at your consultation.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Typically, one or two treatments are sufficient to see dramatic improvement. Most individuals require three to five treatments for the best results.
How Long Do Results Last?
With additional sun exposure, new spots may appear. These too can be removed. Remember to liberally apply sunscreen when outdoors to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots. Maintenance recommendations will be based on your individual symptoms and lifestyle.

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